GHB addiction

Different drugs pose different dangers, but few are as potentially malevolent as GHB. This powerful sedative has become one of the most controversial drugs in the UK, and for very good reasons. What might start as recreational use can quickly spiral into something much darker, leaving people trapped in a cycle of GHB addiction. Infamous both for its addictive potential and its awful use in date rape crimes, GHB is a drug that poses harm to anyone who takes it, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Recognising the risks and understanding how to get help are crucial steps in protecting yourself and others from the harms of GHB.

GHB Lequid

What is GHB?

GHB, or gamma-hydroxybutyrate, is a powerful drug, usually a colourless, odourless liquid. People often take GHB because it makes them feel relaxed or super happy and helps lower inhibitions.

However, the effects of GHB can turn quickly, even if you have only taken a little too much. What starts as a mellow buzz can rapidly shift into very unpleasant GHB side effects like dizziness, confusion and a loss of control over your body. In higher doses, GHB can knock you out completely and often causes memory loss the next day.

GHB is typically sold in small bottles or vials, and because it doesn’t have much of a smell or colour, it can be easily mixed into drinks without anyone noticing. The effects usually kick in within 15 to 30 minutes and can last for a couple of hours, depending on how much has been taken. This can leave a spiking victim incredibly vulnerable, which is why GHB is sometimes used as a date rape drug.

GHB goes by various street names, including “G”, “Juice”, “Liquid Ecstasy”, and “Georgia Home Boy”.

What is GHB addiction?

GHB addiction is when your GHB use goes from occasional or recreational to something you feel you can’t live without. Drug addiction often starts subtly – maybe you have been using GHB to relax, to escape stress or to feel more confident in social situations. But over time, your body and mind can start to rely on GHB, making it harder and harder to get through the day without that next dose.

One of the tricky things about GHB addiction is how quickly it can pull you in. Because it acts fast and its effects are so strong, your body can crave that feeling more and more. Before you know it, you need to take it more often or in higher doses to get the same effect, and when you try to cut back, GHB addiction withdrawal kicks in, making it feel almost impossible to quit.

GHB addiction isn’t just about physical cravings, though. It also affects your mental and emotional well-being, and you may start to feel anxious, depressed or even panicked when you don’t have the drug. Eventually, GHB addiction can make it hard to focus on anything else and your relationships, work, school, and everything else in your life start to suffer as a result.

Why are some people more at risk of GHB addiction than others?

On a chemical level, taking large amounts of GHB over a long period creates a physical dependency because the drug alters the balance of neurotransmitters in your brain. This has a calming effect; over time, your brain starts to rely on GHB to maintain that calm feeling. When you try to quit, your brain struggles to rebalance itself, leading to GHB addiction withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, restlessness, insomnia and even more severe symptoms like tremors or seizures.

However, for a full-blown GHB addiction to develop, there are often certain personal factors at play, too. For example, if you have a family history of addiction, you might be more prone to developing a GHB addiction. Mental health issues, like anxiety or depression, can also make you more vulnerable, as GHB might seem like an easy way to cope with difficult feelings. Stressful life events or environments where drug use is common can also increase your risk of falling into the cycle of addiction.

While these factors can all play a part, it is still important to remember that addiction doesn’t discriminate and that anyone can be affected.

GHB lequid with injection

What are the dangers of GHB addiction?

GHB addiction is incredibly dangerous because of the way it can take over your life. When you are addicted to GHB, all else falls by the wayside and that can have a huge impact on both your health and personal well-being. Some of the most serious include:

GHB overdose

GHB is very unpredictable, and the difference between a dose that gives you a buzz and one that knocks you out can be razor-thin. Overdosing on GHB is frighteningly easy, especially as it can cause memory loss, so you may not remember how much you have taken. When you take too much GHB or mix it with alcohol and other drugs, your body can shut down, leading to unconsciousness, respiratory failure or even death.

Mental health issues

GHB addiction can also wreak havoc on your mental health, causing severe anxiety, depression and paranoia. Relationships often suffer as well, with trust breaking down as your need for the drug takes priority over everything else. The loneliness this causes can put even more strain on your mental health and keep you trapped alone in GHB addiction.

Legal problems

Unpleasant GHB side effects and its resulting use have made it one of the most notorious date rape drugs. Alongside its potential for addiction, this awful use of GHB has seen it become a Class B drug in the UK. This is one of the most serious classifications, and if you are caught with GHB, you could face severe legal consequences, including a long prison sentence.

How is GHB addiction treated?

To really tackle the issue, GHB addiction treatment needs to cover both the physical and mental sides. At Oasis Runcorn, this begins with drug detox, where you safely come off GHB with medical help to manage those GHB addiction withdrawal symptoms. After that, drug rehab dives into why you got hooked in the first place, helping you learn better ways to handle stress and stop you from falling back into old habits when you go home. Lastly, aftercare keeps you connected with support through group therapy, ensuring you stay on track as you rebuild your life.

This full-circle treatment plan is designed to help you not just recover but thrive, giving you the tools and support you need to move forward without GHB.

Ready to reclaim your life from GHB addiction?

At Oasis Runcorn, we believe in new beginnings. Our comprehensive treatment for GHB addiction is here to help you write a different chapter – one where you’re in control. We know exactly your challenges, and we have helped people like you overcome them. Reach out to Oasis Runcorn today and start rewriting your story.

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