Physical health therapy

Addiction can leave your body feeling worn down and neglected, just as much as it affects your mental health. Drugs and alcohol can weaken your immune system, raise your blood pressure and leave you struggling with things like weight loss, muscle pain and feeling exhausted all the time. But physical health therapy can really help turn things around! It is all about getting your body back on track, whether that’s building up your strength, boosting your energy or helping with those aches and pains.

Therapist doing excersise

What is physical health therapy?

Physical health therapy, also called physical therapy, is all about getting your body back to feeling strong and capable again. It uses stretching exercises, hands-on techniques and even methods like heat or cold treatments to help you move better and feel less pain.

At Oasis Runcorn, we believe it’s important to improve your physical health after the toll addiction can take. We can provide guidance on nutrition, exercise and overall body care to help you heal now and stay healthy in the long run. This works alongside our therapies to provide holistic care and renewal.

What are the benefits of physical health therapy?

Physical health therapy offers a wide range of benefits that can really help you feel more like yourself again. Some of the most exciting include:

  • Renewed strength: If you’ve been feeling weak or drained, physical health therapy can help build your strength back up gradually until you are back to full fitness.
  • An energy boost: Say goodbye to that constant fatigue! Regular physical health therapy helps you get your stamina back so you’re not running on empty all the time.
  • Improved mobility: Whether it’s stiffness or pain slowing you down, physical therapy improves your flexibility and mobility, making everyday life feel way less of a struggle.
  • Better sleep: With regular sessions, you might find that you’re sleeping better, waking up feeling more refreshed and ready to take on the day.
  • Reduce muscle tension: Physical therapy can help loosen things up so you feel more relaxed and comfortable in your own body.
  • A boost of confidence: Feeling physically stronger and more in control of your body can do wonders for your self-confidence, making you feel ready to take on anything.
  • Improved mental health: A healthier body means a healthier mind! Physical health therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety and put you in a better mood, all of which are crucial for overcoming addiction. Speaking of which…

What is the role of physical health therapy at rehab?

Addiction can leave your body struggling, so when you are on the road to recovery, looking after your body is just as crucial as taking care of your mind. Research has shown that proper nutrition and regular exercise can make a huge difference during rehab treatment, which can be an intense and physically draining process.
Withdrawal can be a particularly tough stage of recovery as your body adjusts to functioning without substances. You might experience withdrawal symptoms like muscle pain, fatigue, headaches or nausea as your body detoxes.
This is where physical health therapy comes in to offer some much-needed relief. Gentle exercises like stretching and yoga therapy can help ease muscle tension and improve circulation, making it easier to cope with the physical discomfort of withdrawal. At Oasis Runcorn, our physical health therapy is designed to support your body through this challenging period, helping you regain strength without pushing you too hard.
Physical health therapy can also deliver a great boost for your mental wellness too. Taking part in our exercise walks into town or down by the coast can keep you active and give you a chance for calm reflection. Exercise increases your endorphin levels which are your body’s natural mood lifters. These “feel-good” chemicals can help reduce stress, anxiety and even cravings during recovery.
Nutrition is also very important for physical health, particularly as substance abuse and poor diet often go hand in hand. This can leave you deficient in essential nutrients so at Oasis Runcorn, our nutritionists and private chef will help you build healthy eating habits that nourish your body and support healing.

How can physical health therapy help post-rehab

Once you finish rehab, keeping your body moving can make a big difference in preventing relapse. Physical health therapy is a great way to stay on top of your recovery by helping you feel strong, balanced and full of energy. Whether it’s continuing with yoga, hitting the gym, or just getting outside for some fresh air, staying active can help reduce stress, clear your mind and keep those cravings in check.
Physical health therapy also helps you stay grounded in the real world. The habits you built during rehab are very much transferable to your post-rehab life and keep you from falling back into dangerous habits. At Oasis Runcorn, we encourage you to stay active and connected to the things that make you feel good so you can stay strong on your recovery journey.

senior man and stretching for knee health

Pump up your recovery with physical health therapy

Looking to add some extra strength to your recovery? At Oasis Runcorn, we’re here to help you flex those mental and physical muscles for a healthier, happier you. Physical health is a crucial part in recovery and it can empower and energise you on your journey to wellness. Contact Oasis Runcorn today, and we will be your personal recovery trainers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does physical health therapy help with?
Physical health therapy can be beneficial for many conditions, including addiction recovery. It helps with issues like muscle pain, fatigue and stiffness which are common after long-term substance use. It also supports people dealing with chronic conditions like arthritis, injuries or mobility problems. At Oasis Runcorn, we use physical health therapy to help restore your body, regain strength and improve your overall well-being.
What is the difference between physical health therapy and physiotherapy?
Physical health therapy is a broad term encompassing treatments for overall health improvement, while physiotherapy specifically focuses on physical rehabilitation, mobility, and recovery from injury or illness.
How can I continue to care for my health after rehab?
Taking care of your health after rehab is all about balance. Try to keep up with regular exercise, whether that’s continuing the yoga practice that you started in rehab or joining the gym. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Getting outside in nature can also do wonders for your mood and well-being and stave off cravings.

(Click here to see works cited)

  • NCBI. “In brief: Physical therapy –” NCBI, 24 June 2022, Accessed 6 September 2024.
  • UK Rehab. “Physical Health Therapy | Rehab Therapies and Models.” UK Rehab, Accessed 6 September 2024.
  • Wiginton, Keri. “Exercise: How It Can Help With Addiction Recovery.” WebMD, 28 May 2023, Accessed 6 September 2024.
  • Zschucke, Elisabeth et al. “Exercise and physical activity in the therapy of substance use disorders.” TheScientificWorldJournal vol. 2012 (2012): 901741. doi:10.1100/2012/901741. Accessed 6 September 2024.
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