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Last Updated:
November 19th, 2024
Sex and love addiction
In the vast spectrum of human experiences, few are as powerful as sex and love – but what happens when our desires turn into obsessions and compulsions? Sex and love addiction is often overlooked, misunderstood and shrouded in secrecy and shame. However, just like any other addiction, this condition can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life.
If you struggle to navigate relationships and are concerned about sex and love addiction, Oasis Runcorn can help you to unravel the complexities of this disorder. Our experienced team can help you on the path towards healing and recovery.
What is sex and love addiction?
Sex and love addiction is characterised by patterns of an intense and uncontrollable preoccupation with sexual or romantic pursuits. You may experience a persistent and overwhelming need for validation, connection or physical intimacy, often at the expense of your own wellbeing.
Sex addiction
If you are suffering from sex addiction, you may feel strong urges to engage in sexual activity, including sex with different partners, preoccupation with sexual fantasies, compulsive masturbation or excessive use of porn. These impulsions may begin to take over your life and you may feel compelled to continue despite any negative consequences that arise.
Love addiction
Love addiction manifests as a compulsive need to seek out romantic relationships or emotional connections. If you are struggling with this disorder, it is possible that you jump from one relationship to the next in a bid to feel love. You may become infatuated with a specific partner, idealising them and ignoring potential red flags, often leading to unhealthy or abusive relationships.