Cannabis detox
Despite popular belief, quitting cannabis, commonly known as marijuana or weed, is rarely a walk in the park. Some people do not even believe that cannabis can be addictive, and this misunderstanding can cause users to underestimate the significant challenges they might face when trying to stop. Cannabis detox is the initial phase of the recovery process, a period of physical and psychological adjustments that can be difficult but necessary. However, with a comprehensive approach, cannabis detox can be your launchpad towards a healthier life free from cannabis addiction.
- Page Content
- What is cannabis detox?
- What are common marijuana withdrawal symptoms?
- How long does it take to detox from cannabis?
- Cannabis detox at Oasis Runcorn
- Weed detox myths and the truth behind them
- How to start cannabis detox
- Frequently asked questions
What is cannabis detox?
Cannabis detox (also known as marijuana or weed detox) refers to cleansing your body of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis. Cannabis detox is necessary because, during prolonged usage, THC builds up in the body’s fat cells and remains in your system even after stopping. A dependence on cannabis forms when the body adapts to this regular presence of the drug, leading to tolerance and cannabis withdrawal symptoms when use ceases. Prolonged use of cannabis affects the brain’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates various functions such as mood, sleep and appetite. Over time, the body begins to rely on cannabis to feel normal, leading to dependence.
Cannabis detox is crucial because it breaks this physical dependence. By abstaining from cannabis until all the THC is gone, your body can adjust and learn to function again without it. During detox, you may experience various cannabis withdrawal symptoms as your body readjusts. However, a professional detox programme can manage these symptoms and offer the support you need to cope.