Family Spport Programme

One of the most tragic things about addiction is that it doesn’t just affect the person in recovery – it impacts the people closest to them, too. In the UK, 1.5 million adults are significantly impacted by a loved one’s substance abuse, and it can be a lonely, frightening experience. At Oasis Runcorn, we understand the enormous challenges our clients’ families face but also the huge difference they can make to recovery prospects. Our family support programme is designed to bring you into the healing process and help you see that you’re not just a bystander in your loved one’s recovery – you’re a vital part of it.

Family Support

What is a family support programme?

A family support programme is designed to help you, as a family member, navigate the challenges that come with having a loved one in recovery. We know that addiction can ripple through the entire family and that loved ones often carry a heavy emotional load. You might feel a mix of guilt, frustration or even anger about your loved one’s addiction. These feelings can build up, leaving you feeling drained, confused or even resentful, even after they have begun rehab treatment.

Our family support programme is here to guide you through these tough emotions. We help you understand what addiction truly is, how it impacts the entire family and how you can best support your loved one as they work toward healing. We will tackle emotional challenges through counselling and different therapies, offering proven strategies to help you cope and rebuild trust. We also prepare you for the transition when your loved one returns home, providing guidance on how to set boundaries, maintain a healthy, supportive environment and what steps to take if relapse occurs.

How are our family support sessions structured?

Loved ones often get neglected during both the chaos of addiction and the recovery process, but Oasis Runcorn’s family support programme is specially designed for those who have a loved one in our care. These sessions take place every Sunday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, and we invite all family members to take part.

Our family support programme invited you to participate in various therapy and counselling forms. These approaches offer a space where you can ask questions, share your thoughts and connect with other people who understand what you’re going through. You will get practical advice on how to support your loved one’s recovery while also learning more about addiction and its causes and effects.

How does Oasis Runcorn offer help to families of addicts?

Addiction experts have long recognised the importance of family support. Having loved ones who understand addiction and what recovery entails creates a supportive network to lean on during the challenges and obstacles that inevitably arise during treatment. By bringing families together, Oasis Runcorn’s family support programme also helps prevent arguments or old issues from flaring up again, which can help prevent relapse. Here are some of the ways we can help:

Addiction education

Addiction can be incredibly confusing as you see your loved one become a completely different person. We will explain what addiction is, how it works and what your loved one is going through so you can feel more in the loop and better equipped to help.


Loved ones often find themselves voiceless as addiction spirals out of control. Our special conjoint sessions are led by one of our addiction specialists, who will give you the chance to talk about your experiences and process your feelings effectively. They are a great way to reopen lines of communication with your loved one and get some much-needed closure. This can help repair relationships which have been affected by addiction so you are all on one team.

Self-care guidance

Your loved one will need your support, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. We will show you new ways to look after yourself, physically and emotionally, so you can stay strong while being the rock they need. Whether it’s taking time for yourself, managing stress or finding small moments of peace throughout the day, these simple changes can have a huge impact.

Addressing family guilt

It is common to feel guilt or blame yourself for a loved one’s addiction. You may wonder if you could have done something differently or if their addiction is your fault somehow. We will help you let go of that guilt and focus on moving forward.

Boundary guidance

While it’s natural to want to help, it is also important to set boundaries so you don’t end up burning out. We will teach you how to set healthy limits like not enabling addictive behaviours, learning to say “no” when needed and making sure your own well-being isn’t sacrificed.

Support for what comes next

Leaving rehab is a big step but it is only the start of what will hopefully be a lifetime of sobriety. We will help you prepare for the next phase so that the transition goes as smoothly as possible both for you and the person in recovery. You will learn how to encourage healthy routines, handle any setbacks and stay balanced in your own life.

Family support

How can families support you during rehab?

Being there for your loved one during rehab can show them that you are rooting for their success and that you are a part of their journey, too. Here are some simple but meaningful ways you can help:

Stay connected
Regular phone calls, letters and visits show your loved one that you are still by their side. This can stop them worrying about you while they are in rehab so they can focus on getting better.
Send care packages
Thoughtful gifts like a favourite book, a heartfelt letter or something comforting can really lift their spirits. It’s a reminder that they’re not alone in this.
Offer practical help
Taking care of any practical tasks that need doing while your loved one is in rehab can take a huge weight off their mind. This may include paying bills, house-sitting or looking after their children when you are free.
Give them space
While it is important to show support, it is also important to respect their need for some alone time to really dive into their recovery journey. Take part in the family support programme and discuss what your loved one needs in terms of your involvement.
Keep it positive
A few uplifting words can go a long way. Celebrate even the small wins and remind them of how strong they are.
By staying involved and offering support in these ways, you will not only help your loved one stay focused but also strengthen your relationship and prepare for life after rehab.

Don’t let addiction pull the rug out from under your family

At Oasis Runcorn, our family support programme helps you find solid ground. With our guidance, you will gain the tools and knowledge to stand strong while helping your loved one overcome the obstacles ahead. Contact Oasis Runcorn today, and we will help you all find your footing – together.

Frequently Asked Questions

How useful is family support in addiction recovery?
The importance of family support cannot be overstated! At Oasis Runcorn, we know that when family members are involved, it gives your loved one an extra layer of encouragement and motivation. It also helps you heal as a family and learn how to face challenges together both during and after treatment.
Can children participate in family support programmes?
Yes, children can participate in family support programmes, however it depends on their age and the situation.
How often do family support sessions occur during rehab?
At Oasis Runcorn, our family support sessions take place once a week, every Sunday from 1 to 2 pm. These sessions are a great chance for family members to ask questions, learn more about addiction and find ways to help each other navigate the recovery journey.

(Click here to see works cited)

  • NCBI. “Chapter 3—Family Counseling Approaches – Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy.” NCBI, Accessed 9 September 2024.
  • UK Drug Policy Commission. “Supporting the Supporters: families of drug misusers.” UK Drug Policy Commission, Accessed 9 September 2024.
  • Lander, Laura et al. “The impact of substance use disorders on families and children: from theory to practice.” Social work in public health vol. 28,3-4 (2013): 194-205. doi:10.1080/19371918.2013.759005. Accessed 9 September 2024.
  • UK Rehab. “Family Therapy | Rehab Therapies and Models.” UK Rehab, Accessed 9 September 2024.
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